Beta Company started its operation in 1994 as a private family company.
Beta Company is located in the city of Gostivar, MK which is 86km far from the capital Skopje.
Now Beta Kompani is a trading company, its has a store that we do the presentation and sale of retail goods and also its has warehouses for the wholesale of goods.
The company deals with a lot of trading, presenting, with retailing and wholesale of Laminate flooring, Parquet flooring, Doors, Loft ladders, Roof windows.
Our company is supplying many stores from different cities in Macedonia including wholesales for many bigger companies. Between these many other companies we distribute and supply stocks such as Laminate flooring, Parquet flooring, Doors, Loft ladders, Roof windows.
As one of the leading companies in the region, at Beta Company, we are continually looking for innovations new products in our company.