The company LESNA VRATA d.o.o. started its activity on 18 September 2012 when it was established. In November 2012, it took over from the previous owner LESNA TIP d.d. the production of door leaves and frames, which were manufactured at two locations .
LESNA trademark has a much longer tradition of door leaves and frames dating back to more than five decades ago, when the whole story started in the framework of a former wood industry giant LESNA Slovenj Gradec known by many under the famous slogan "LESNA, THIS IS YOUR PARTNER".
You will also be offered product guarantee in accordance with applicable law and all relevant certificates; we are holders of EI 30 certificate (fire-resistant doors, 30 min.).
Throughout, we will do our best to remain environment- and customer-friendly company and to provide a high level of professionalism by our staff, including the quality of our products. We will make every effort to ensure continuous development of our products, competitive prices and fruitful partnership with our business partners, who again start to use our most widely known slogan "LESNA, THIS IS YOUR PARTNER"!